Sunday, December 29, 2024

It has begun..

As some of you may know I have been slowly getting involved with the code of Rugby League over the last few years. Its been a real treat to see some highs and lows, to be on the ground in growing this code and slowly turning negative perspective of lies told to many over decades into positive reinforcements and showing how League and Union can work in harmony and play into making each other stronger. one aspect of rugby that's seeing quite a bit of growth is the side of the women's game. From union to league women's rugby is growing rapidly and currently the USA women's national rugby league team is seeing the upside of union players, and league, making the switch in hopes of representing USA on the national stage. Haley Sheldon is a magnificent example of someone who started playing union and gave rugby League a chance only to be rewarded with great honor in not only getting her first test cap but also helping the USA Hawks in participating for world cup qualifications recently. Although falling just shy of qualifying for the next women's world cup, the USA Hawks and Haley have taken significant steps forward in growing women's rugby league in America where only a few years ago no such game was being played. 

LLR- Since when have you started playing rugby league?

HS- My rugby career started with the code of Union playing in college at
Salisbury University. Two years back, I began playing League
domestically with the Jacksonville AxeWomen as a Centre.

LLRWhat drew you to rugby league?

HSLeague instantly had me hooked from the first practice. The game
itself is absolutely insane; the team tackling effort coupled with the
speed of play while having a limited number of tackles was very
intriguing to me.

LLR- What was the emotions when you got the notification being selected to the USA HAWKS?

HSOff the heels of participating in the NRL Combine hosted earlier in
the year in Las Vegas, I attended a USARL East Coast League Camp in
early May then rolled into my domestic season with the AxeWomen in
early June.  After having a successful domestic season, I received an
invitation to the USARL Hawk's selection camp in September. I then
traveled to Denver to compete along side some of USA's most talented
women League athletes to shoot my shot. I was totally stoked when I
got the official selection email to represent my country in the
Women's World Cup Qualifiers. Realizing this was the first time the
USA would play in a League Qualifier felt super exciting and playing
at this level had been a goal since the start of my career.

LLRFor those who aren't aware, what was the preparation like in lead up to the world cup qualifiers?

HSLeading up to the WWCQ the preparation was extremely individual both
physically and financially. Since the women's competition is in the
initial growth stages in the US the athletes do not receive
compensation and are not afforded the opportunity to train together as
we are spread all across the country. The athletes work with a
strength and conditioning coach virtually through the USARL but for
me, I utilized our domestic coaches to hit my peak performance matrix
since they know my abilities best.
 It started with first round selections camps with weights and fitness
included and then another selection camp a few months prior in Denver
CO, where final selections were made. The team then flew in from
everywhere across the country 3 days before our first game against
Canada , where we had 2 a days, film sessions, workouts, etc. Then
continued through our game against Canada less than a week after
everyone arrived.

LLRFirst thought that came into your head when the final whistle blew During qualifications?

HS-We beat Jamaica our first round and then fell short against Canada
in the qualifying match. This was painful, not the result we wanted but
that's sport and I know that the team will only continue to improve
from here.

LLRWhat's been a highlight thus far playing with the axewomen?

HSPlaying for the AxeWomen has brought my love for rugby to a place I
never even knew existed. The team is truly an Axe family, our owner
Drew Slover is an amazing leader and makes sure every athlete feels
valued by the club. The women train with the men which personally
pushed me to new heights in my individual game. The head coach, Sean
Rutgerson, has established a mentality of winning as the only option
as well as personal accountability which is something I jived with
from the start.
  Honestly, my highlight comes with every time I step on the pitch and am
able to represent the Axe. I am beyond grateful to be a part of such a
special group of people and culture.

LLR- This year was a pretty monumental season for women's rugby league, what was the highs and lows during the season?

HSOne of the definitions of "highs" this year was USA hosting it's first
domestic Women’s League National Championship. There were six
competitive teams representing multiple regions this season, something
that has been a goal since the formation of the USARL's Women's
Committee who have been dedicated to domestic growth. Another would
have to be the NRL combine in Vegas where a limited number of elite
level US men and women athletes to got exposure to the NRL competition
which spread awareness across US market immensely. Notable lows were
overcome by the dedication of so many pushing to see the sport rise
for the women, like losing our Hawks Women's coaching staff 3 weeks
prior to the WWCQ. The athletes had to conform to new staff and new
coaching methodology in record time which played a role in the mental
aspect of the game.

LLR- Where would you like to see the women's game be in the next 5 years?

HS-In the next 5 years, I would love to see professional full time rugby
league athletes in America receiving compensation with pathways to
compete within the NRL. Female athletes need league as an option for
their future it needs to start with our youth at the elementary level
then high schools having teams, more college scholarships and NCAA
teams not only for League but also Union.

LLR- Can players play both union and league ?

HSAbsolutely players can play both union and league, most players do.
The only hindrance of this is that as we try and grow rugby league in
the states we need athletes to commit and prioritize their dedication
to league so that we can make more progress and compete at a higher

LLR- To the potential players who maybe on the fence about coming out or maybe playing the union code, what would you like to tell them about taking the chance to come out and play rugby league ?

HSFor union players thinking about trying rugby league, being a women's
rugby player is a niche already, but being a women's rugby league
player will make you fall even more in love with the sport. You have a
chance to be part of a movement and make a difference in an incredible
sport with lots of opportunity for growth.

LLR- How can everyone follow you and the Axewomen this coming year ?

HS-Everyone can follow the AxeWomen through the insta @jaxaxeman for
steaming links, updates, etc.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Unbreakable Spirit

 I've been doing this for over 10 years, have watched many forms of rugby and have interviewed many invovled from various backgrounds from rugby union to league and so on. However one form of rugby I've always been intrigued by is Touch Rugby. By accident, happy accident to me, I came across an amazing person named Jordan Heller. Already with a national team cap Jordan is destined to be a strong pillar in moving the game of rugby for women in either touch or union. 

-When did you start playing touch rugby?

JH- Started playing touch rugby in 2019. Went to my first touch Nationals in Chula Vista (honestly had no idea what I was doing). We actually learned quite a bit of strategy from a (now) good friend of mine the morning before the tournament started lol.

LLR-What position do you currently play?

JH- For mixed touch, I play link. I've never had the chance to play all womens. But at touch nationals this October, I got to play middle the whole tournament for the mixed open division, which was awesome.

LLR-What drew you to touch rugby?

JH- A friend of mine (shout-out Ryan Kretchmar) reached out to my husband and I to join the team for the lead up to Nationals in 2019. We were all very new to touch, but a lot of us agree that it was one of our most memorable and fun tournments we've ever played in.

LLR- What similarities are there between traditional rugby union and touch rugby?

JH- Set positions, play calls, defensive and offense strategies, passing the ball backwards.

LLR- Aside from the amount of contact what are some difference's between the two?

JH- Smaller heavier ball, 6 on the field for touch vs. 15 for union, hockey style subs during live play, no kicking in touch, ball to ground at any point in touch is a turnover (even if it goes backwards), touch offers coed divisions, tons of rules when your get in and around the tryline in touch (I could go on and on lol)

LLR- What was the emotions you felt when you learned you'd be representing USA rugby touch at the world cup this past year?

JH- As an athlete, to get the opportunity to represent your country is pretty cool, and the dream of a lot of athletes. So to be able to achieve that is something I'll always treasure. Something cool to tell my son about one day haha.

LLR- For those who aren't aware, what was the preparation like in lead up to the world cup ?

JH- For me personally, it was extremely fulfilling. After having a baby mid 2022, I honestly wasn't sure what my athletic future was going to be like. But after being selected for the team, I trained harder than ever. We had several team training camps in the year leading up to the world cup, fitness benchmarks we were expected to reach and I took those very seriously. And without a doubt, I became the most fit I had ever been my entire life. I've also been able to keep up with that fitness, and carried that over into tackle rugby.

LLR- What union club team did you play for?

JH- For union, I play for the Austin Valkyries, women's D1 team in Austin Texas. And for touch I play for Austin Touch Rugby.

LLR- What was a highlight playing union?

JH- Biggest highlight was probably making it to the national championship in 2019. We unfortunately lost by 2 points, but that entire season was incredible. Winning the game vs. Glendale to make it to the national championship was also a major highlight because we had some many fans, friends and family there since it was played in Austin. So it made for a really cool experience in the last match before the final. Another teammate and I were also selected that year to attend a USA Rugby camp where they scout for the national team. So I guess that's something cool

LLR- This past year women's rugby experienced a explosion of popularity , where would you like to see the women's game in 5 years and lead up to the 2033 world cup?

JH- For rugby in general, I would love to see rugby in the US started at a much earlier age like other top tier rugby countries. A lot of kids grow up watching, playing and Learning the game. Most of my friends didn't pick up the sport until college level or later. Would be great to see more youth programs across the country.

For the women's game specifically, I think there needs to stop being a stigma around age and what a woman can accomplish at various stages and ages of life. I've heard way too many stories about women being thought of as "too old" for various squads or selections, based on them being in their late 20s. Hell, I'm 34 and am at the top of my game AND that's even after having a baby.

That's actually one of the reasons I am so glad that I found touch rugby. When you get to the highest level, you can actually compete not only for a spot on the top level (where anyone from any age can make the team) or you can compete for a spot on a age group team. Pretty cool.

LLR- Can players play both union and touch rugby?

JH- Definitely! As long as your schedule allows, go for it. In fact, I think playing touch adds a level of quickness to your game that might even give you a slight advantage when transitioning back to union.

LLR- To the potential players who maybe on the fence about coming out or maybe playing the touch rugby, what would you like to tell them about taking the chance to come out?

JH- Honestly, with any sport, just give it a go. You'll never know unless you try. In my experience, rugby (touch or union) has the most welcoming community for new players, and when you're in, you're in. I've made some of my best friends for life playing both touch and union. And I can guarantee most teams are always looking for new players to expand the program.

LLR- Any last words of encouragement or advice you'd like to share ?

JH- I don't think so!

LLR- How can everyone follow you ?

JH- jordan_elena on Instagram

* I truly hope you all enjoy getting to learn a bit about the world of touch rugby as much as I did AND getting to know Jordan. Thanks again to Jordan I deeply appreciate you for taking the time to answer the questions let alone agreeing to do this Q&A. The future truly looks bright. 

Friday, July 12, 2024

California Bear in the North East

Rugby League has seen a explosion of clubs and the player pool over the last four years has grown tremendously , and for the first time in a long time the waters have calmed for the 2024 season and all competitions are competing under one governing banner. Anson Jiang is the man in charge leading the newly rebranded Boston Bears into battle for the season. Anson comes from the west coast and union playing background but has a passion for rugby League and pushing the code forward with the cooperation from the North Sydney Bears. The the beasts of the east are preparing to be the flag bearers of a new age for development of rugby league in America.

LLR- Where did you first start playing rugby?

A- I first started playing rugby at San Jose State University sometime around Fall 2012 after seeing a flier at the gym at SJSU.

LLR- How was your time playing at SJSU, any memorable moments stick out?

A- I had a lot of fun playing at SJSU and made a lot of great friends along the way. I think there are too many memories that stood out while playing at SJSU like the UCSC Slugfest tournament, going to Reno to play against UNR and playing in the alumni games.

LLR- When did you start playing Rugby League and for what club?

A- I started playing in 2019 a week after moving to Boston from San Francisco. One of my teammates and coach from the San Jose Seahawks played Rugby League before and asked if I was interested in playing. The first club I played for was with White Plains Wombats at the time and played against the Boston 13s for a game and ended up joining the Boston 13s afterwards.

LLR- How was the transition from playing union to playing league, what was the hardest part coming from one code into another?

A- The transition wasn't too bad since they are both collision sports and requires carrying the ball and tackling. I think the hardest part was learning the rules of the game like playing the ball correctly and having to run back 10 meters on defense.

LLR- The Boston Bears, formerly the 13’s, has been yet another positive factor some may say from the Las Vegas NRL event where new relationships have developed from international sides with a USA based club team. How has the process and any feedback been since the partnership was started between Boston and North Sydney?

A- Our e-board was able to get this setup so all the credit goes to them. The process overall has been amazing and pleasurable with North Sydney who has been nothing but helpful as well as respectful to the Boston 13’s heritage and history. They have worked with us every step of the way. We are excited with this new partnership and seeing what the future has in store for us.

LLR- Where do the Bears hold home matches during the season?

A- Last year, we held our home matches at Mignone Field at Harvard University, but this year we are going between having it at Grellier Field in Newton, MA and Pine Banks Field in Malden, MA. We are welcoming anyone to come practice with us at Newton Highlands Playground on Mondays and Wednesdays at 7:30PM.

LLR- How many players on the team also play or come from a union playing background?

A- I believe most of our players if not all of them have played or are currently playing union with a club around the Greater Boston area.

LLR- What's your opinion on playing rugby league here in America, can both union and league coexist, do both have something to offer the other for players interested or should it be one or the other?

A- I think they can both coexist in America since they are fun sports to play and some of the skills from both codes are transferable to one another such as tackling, ball carrying and passing.

LLR- What would you say to those who are skeptical about playing rugby league, or to those who think it's a bad idea?

A- I'd say give it a try. You'll never know and you might end up liking the sport instead.

LLR- For the first time ever all four regions of rugby league major competitions are competing under one governing USARL umbrella, RLU (north east), PCRL (west coast), URL (Rockies ) and FRL (south east), How has the relationship been between your team and others around the country?

A- The relationship between every one of the conferences and teams has been great. Although we play each other in our respective divisions we all support each other and want rugby league to grow in the United States. Every team no matter what always has respect for the next team and at the end of the day we are excited and pleased that we are all unified in the same league with the USARL.

LLR- Words of encouragement for anyone considering starting their own rugby league club?

A- I'd say to get as many people interested as possible. The rugby league community has been great and we all are supportive of each other and have a common goal of growing the sport in the US.

LLR- How can fans follow your journey, the Boston bears and show support?

A- Instagram: @bostonbears.rl

LLR- Boston Bears playing a friendly against an Oregon rugby league team sounds like a good time, wouldn't it be a site?

A- I agree since this will be a great opportunity as this will help both clubs prepare for the matches in their respective conferences.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024