Friday, January 31, 2014

This Is American Rugby: PRP Week 1 Preview: And So It Begins!

This Is American Rugby: PRP Week 1 Preview: And So It Begins!:   Since it's formation last year the Pacific Rugby Premiership has been a hot topic of conversation in American rugby circles. So...

Thursday, January 30, 2014

This Is American Rugby: Pacific Rugby Premiership Power Rankings

This Is American Rugby: Pacific Rugby Premiership Power Rankings: The PRP kicks off this week and to celebrate we're out with our first power rankings of the season. 1. SFGG: As the Elite Cup tit...

Monday, January 20, 2014

Mens DI week 2.

Another tough week in Nor Cal DI.
  Sacramento keeping foot on the gas, beating razorbacks 32-19, San José takes a big hit and falls to tough EPA Bulldogs 68-10. SFGG and Santa Rosa bounce back in big wins, SFGG putting up 73 on Diablo and Santa Rosa pulling away from Fresno 50-17.
Northern California A:   
                                     W   L      PTS
EPA Bulldogs               2    0       10
Sacramento Lions         2    0      10 
SFGG     1                     1    0       5
Santa Rosa                    1    1       5

Northern California B:   
EPA Razorbacks          1    1        5
San Jose                       1    1        5
Diablo Gaels                0    2        5    
Fresno 0                       2    0        5    

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Open invitation for unification

"The 2014 competition is expected to be based on a 10 week schedule between June and August including playoffs and a Championship Final. While the overall structure has yet to be finalized, the competition will be limited to the East Coast in an effort to reduce both cost and travel with the establishment of smaller conferences within regions. The aim is for Conference schedules to operate with ALL regular season home and away games played in local regions culminating in cross-conference playoffs and and Finals.
Although initial USARL focus will be on the east coast to ensure a smooth, on time start to the 2014 competition, we invite applications from individuals in all regions of the USA who have the desire to develop Rugby League in their area. Once the 2014 competition is underway, discussions can to had to create plans that best assist the growth of our sport on a national basis."

 for those interested even if out side the northeast and southeast area its best to begin to get your ducks in a row now so after 2014 season the process can begin to bring in established clubs from other parts of the country

Friday, January 17, 2014

Rugby World Cup - Argentina 2023: Full Strength USA to face Uruguay in March

as always Great Article by Paul on his site.

Rugby World Cup - Argentina 2023: Full Strength USA to face Uruguay in March: Manoa will be free to face Uruguay Alex Goff has confirmed that supporters of USA rugby can breathe easily in knowing that the upcom...

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

San Jose Seahawks

 With all the attention of SFGG and even Olympic Club sometimes it’s hard for outsiders to realize that the San Francisco Bay Area has more than just two men’s clubs. In fact there is plenty of men’s clubs from D3-D1 and the PRP now of course. Being from San Jose and well aware of the Seahawks and their accomplishments of late, Ryan from the San José Seahawks was gracious enough to answer some question about the clubs standing in the new Nor Cal men’s DI and of status of Rugby in the South Bay away from San Francisco spot light.

LLR- First off congrats on starting the season off on the right foot and winning, putting up 45 points. How does it feel now playing in Men’s DI competition and the vibe amongst the team?
RH-  It feels great to be back in Division 1. We played in D1 for a number of years, with good success, before dropping down to D2 in 2008. We always saw that as a temporary move, and we are excited to be back in D1. There is a definite sense of excitement around the club--training sessions are well attended and we had a great turnout of both players and supporters for our first game. Of course, everybody was in a great mood after a win, so we are looking to build off that.

LLR- How about some history on the Seahawks, what the organization has to offer to those interested in giving rugby a try.
RH- The club was founded in 1971, and has fielded very competitive teams ever since. Some of the on field highlights include winning the Monterey National Tournament in 1989--this was in the days before USA Rugby held a formal National Championship, and, as the Monterey Tournament invited the top club from around the country, it was seen as a de facto National Championship Tournament. We made USA Rugby Division 1 Sweet 16 three years running in 2000-2002. As the top players from those teams retired and moved away, we had some lean years, culminating with our move to D2 in 2008. We did have some success at that level, qualifying for the Pacific Coast Playoffs in 2008 and 2012, and are pleased to return to D1 for the current season. We added a youth program--Seahawk Minis-- in 2004, and in recent years we have been fielding women's 7's and XV sides. For a more detailed history of the club, checkout our website:

LLR- Being in the bay area, what is your personal take on the makings of the PRP (pacific rugby premiership), is this something that the Seahawks would like to try and get in to or is the DI comp. something perfect for the club.
RH- The PRP is a great idea, and we wish O-Club and SFGG the best of luck. Right now, our focus is on Division 1. We do endeavor to develop our players and all rugby players in the South Bay, and we do believe that if we continue to grow the game here, we will be able to field a side capable of competing at the highest level possible. But right now, we are focused on the challenge in front of us.

LLR- Based on your own opinion what is the status of rugby currently in the South bay, away from San Francisco, and where would you like to see it be in the next 5-10 years.

RH- The state of rugby in the South Bay is very promising, and has made great strides in the past five years. The numbers for our men's side have grown dramatically in that time. Our women's program did not exist at that time. The South Valley Club has sprung up and has some success in D3. SJSU's team qualified for the National Collegiate 7's Tournament this year. From what we hear, there are big numbers our for the youth and high school programs in the area. This is all very exciting, and bodes well for the future of top level rugby in the South Bay. Also, we are very proud of the fact that many of the college, high school, and youth coaches in the South Bay are former Seahawks. Going forward, we would love to see the game continue to grow in the area, and to provide opportunities for elite players to develop their skills and compete at a high level across all age groups.

LLR- A Question I’ve asked SJSU rugby about, are there any plans on the table, ether between club members or amongst other clubs to build rugby specific size fields anywhere, similar to baseball parks or soccer complexes’.
RH- I am not aware of any plans for dedicated rugby facilities in the South Bay. It would be fantastic if we could, either on our own, or in cooperation with other clubs in the area, but given the cost of real estate in San Jose, I don't know how feasible that is. Having a dedicated rugby field and clubhouse would be a tremendous asset to all involved, and we would love to help make that happen.

LLR- How can those who aren’t affiliated with the club help you guys out and where can they go to lend a helping hand?
RH- Those unaffiliated with the club who would like to help can get in touch with me at Almost everything that the clubs needs to do is done by active players--from administration to field set up and tear down. If anybody would like to volunteer to help with anything, we would welcome them. Beyond that, please patronize our sponsors Nutri-Shop in Los Gatos, O'Flaherty's in downtown San Jose, Rock Tape, and Cross Fit Silicon Valley--and let them know you are a rugby player/coach/supporter. If you know any business that would like to sponsor the club, we are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, so any donations are tax deductible.

LLR- Who’s up next on the schedule of games?
RH- Up next we are playing East Palo Alto Bulldogs at home this Saturday (1/18) and EPA Razorbacks on 2/1.

LLR- Last question, if Rugby was at the point in this country where it was professional or semi pro. And you are a recruiter talking to a potential player, what would you say to convince him to come play for SJ Seahawks.
RH- The Seahawks have a long tradition of playing rugby at a high level. We have a strong community of supporters and former players and try to be actively engaged with local rugby. We take our rugby very seriously, but also understand that being part of a rugby club is more than just practicing and playing together.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

NorCal DI Mens Week 1

After the first week of the revamped Nor Cal mens DI competition there were some games that where close and others that where gone by a long shot. but none the less this is just week 1 and if history has any thing to say about it, it will be neck and neck as we near the end for who takes the final standing spots

EPA Bulldogs 40-15 SFGG
Santa Rosa 21-25 Sacramento Lions
Diablo 24-45 San Jose
EPA Razorbacks 37-10 Fresno

Northern California W L T Pf Pa Pd BT BL Pts
EPA Razorbacks 1 0 0 37 10 27 1 0 5
EPA Bulldogs 1 0 0 40 15 25 1 0 5
San Jose 1 0 0 45 24 21 1 0 5
Sacramento Lions 1 0 0 25 21 4 1 0 5
Santa Rosa 0 1 0 21 25 -4 0 1 1
Diablo Gaels 0 1 0 24 45 -21 1 0 1
SFGG 0 1 0 15 40 -25 0 0 0
Fresno 0 1 0 10 37 -27 0 0 0

*not actual standings, based on

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Rugby League in America

I like many of you are a Union Rugby kind of guy, but over the years I have come to enjoy watching Rugby League. With the recent rugby league world cup now over, my excitement for league states side has gotten me curious and interested on league being played in America. Sadly over here on the west coast league is almost nonexistence. Over the next few months I will post various Q&A’s with those in the rugby league community.  

Mike Featherstone founder of the Chicago Stockyarders RFLC, was gracious enough to answer some questions
LLR- some history and overview of the stockyarders and what plans lie a head?
MF- 2010 was our start as an expansion team for the AMNRL. We played two exhibition games of sevens rugby league on the east coast v NY Raiders at the War at the Shore (NJ) event and v Philadelphia Fight as a curtain raiser to the AMNRL Grand Final (in Philly).
2011 we tried to grow the game locally with clinics at Lewis University (Romeoville, IL) and increase the midwest player pool. We held a Stockyarders v Midwest Allstars exhibition game at Winnemac Park in Chicago in June, 2011 and another exhibition game at Lewis in October, 2011.
2012 we formed the AMNRL's midwest development conference along with start up teams Westerm Storm (based in Elgin, IL) and Iowa City Crash and Lewis University. We played against each team and finished with a 1-2 record. We also hosted the inaugural AMNRL midwest sevens losing in the final v a Chicago Irish exiles team. All games that year were played at Winnemac Park, Chicago.
2013 has been an indifferent season for RL here. The Storm, Crash and Lewis have been inactive which has hit us hard and although we have practised all summer the only game we could get was a turkey bowl sevens event in November between the Stockyarders and a Midwest Allstars team.
Major problem we have is the lack of opposition in the midwest and we are trying to recitfiy this locally by helping other start up teams in the area. We would like to run a RL nines series along the Chicago lakefront during May/June 2014 and regrow the midwest conference from this in coming years.

LLR- What is the current status of rugby league in America?
MF- 2 comps - American National Rugby League (AMNRL) and the USA Rugby League (USARL) run from May until September each year. Talks have been ongoing over the last two years to bring them together following a split in the game in 2011.

LLR- Given the surprise success of the tomahawks (USA) in the world cup, what is your opinion on the status of league going forward in America?
MF- I think it has improved league's status within the general Rugby community. We attracted more interest from local Union players following the Tomahawks achievements at RLWC2013 and the press coverage on Fox Sports, etc because some have seen it as another avenue to represent their country on the world stage. Some people will point to use the heritage players used by the Tomahawks and say it is an impossible dream for local players but it is the same case with all professional sports in the world stage who want to be competitive. It doesn't mean local guys shouldn't aspire to get to the next world cup because if you’re good enough, you'll make it.

LLR- Are there any plans to expand the style of League to the west coast, California, Oregon, and Washington?
MF- Yes there have been some exhibition games played in California by a west coast team over the last year or two against a touring Canadian team and against the Utah Avalanche. The AMNRL have a Californian representative working to kick start RL on the west coast.

LLR- For those who don’t know the difference of rugby UNION and rugby LEAGUE, what are some key differences between the both?
MF- Both games promote passing (laterally), kicking or running a football into an end zone and require the need for strong defense. Aside from the difference in starting playing numbers (15 for union v 13 for league), the biggest difference to me is that Union is characterized by an ongoing struggle for possession of the ball via a number of technical situations (scrums, lineouts, rucks, mauls) whereas League is characterized by having 6 downs (or tackles) in which to score a try (touchdown).

LLR- Can both UNION and LEAGUE work in harmony with each other, or do you believe only one or the other can be “king” of rugby in America.
MF- There is room for Union and League in my opinion because of the size of this country. They are both great products in their own right. Other niche sports survive alongside each other on a minor league basis and offer different formats within that sport. There are also different types of athlete who are more appropriately suited to one code over the other. So why not give athletes the choice? If you consider Rugby a community within this country, I also think it is beneficial for rugby related industries be that facilities, equipment providers, media or apparel retailers to have both formats to increase the revenue pot.

In terms of a "king" of Rugby, I suppose it is a race to see who can professionalize things first. 5 years ago, I would have said League would be most likely simply because as a spectator sport it is easy for new audiences to understand and is similar in format to football. I thought it may become the "professional" option of Rugby in this country for players to move onto after experiencing Union first on an amateur basis. However, I think the inclusion of 7s into the Olympics and the exposure and funding that will bring with it has given that form of Rugby the box seat to become the product most instantly recognized by the American public.

LLR- where can the general public go and get information of united states base rugby clubs who play league and how can others help grow the game of rugby league in north America

Monday, January 6, 2014

Nor Cal U19 scheduale 2014

Here is the Nor Cal youth rugby schedule for the first week of each level. Some divisions will be starting in mid January and others not till first weekend of February. * There is still schedule pending for teams in the Fresno CA area and those will be updated as time goes on.

* will also try and post middle school level schedules and scores as there season goes on.

Boys varsity single school:
                               AWAY                  HOME
01/18/2014          DE LA SALLE - BELLARMINE                                          
 01/18/2014         MCCLATCHY - CHRISTIAN BROS                                                 
 01/18/2014         CLAYTON VALLEY- DIXON                                             
 01/18/2014         PITT RUGBY –JESUIT

Boys Varsity Gold:
01/31/2014          JESUIT B - GRANITE BAY                                                
 01/31/2014         LANCERS - SIERRA FOOTHILLS                                     
 01/31/2014         ISLANDERS - VACAVILLE                                                
 01/31/2014         MOTHER LODE - WOLFPACK                                        
 01/31/2014         SAC EAGLES - COUGAR                                                  
 02/01/2014         HAYWARD - DANVILLE                                                   
 02/01/2014         PEN GREEN -  LAMORINDA                                          
 02/01/2014       EPA - SFGG           *Sheeran Field, Treasure Island, SF. 11:00 am                     
02/01/2014          OAKLAND -NORTH BAY                  

Girls Varsity Gold:
02/08/2014          DANVILLE - LOBO GIRLS                                                
 02/08/2014         ALAMEDA - BOD                                               
 02/08/2014         PLEASANTON - BERKELEY              

Boys Varsity Silver:
01/18/2014          MARIN - MONTGOMERY                                              
 01/18/2014         NAPA - PETALUMA          

Girls Varsity Silver:
02/08/2014          DAVIS - CHICO OAKS    

Boys JV Gold:
02/01/2014         BERKELEY - DANVILLE                                      
02/01/2014          JESUIT B - GRANITE BAY                                                
02/01/2014          PEN GREEN - LAMORINDA                                           
02/01/2014          EPA - SFGG        * Sheeran Field, Treasure Island, SF. 9:00 am                       
02/01/2014          ISLANDERS - VACAVILLE                                                
 02/01/2014         LOS GATOS  - RIORDAN                                                 
 02/01/2014         MOTHER LODE - WOLFPACK                                        
 02/01/2014         SAC EAGLES - COUGAR                                                  
02/01/2014          PITS - NORTH BAY                                            
02/01/2014          PLEASANTON - SOUTH VALLEY                                    

Boys JV silver:
 01/18/2014         SANTA ROSA - ELSIE ALAN                                           
 01/18/2014         MARIN - MONTGOMERY                                              
 01/18/2014         NAPA - PETALUMA