Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Argument for NW ProRugby, and other spots

The one market I would love to see this league go to in the next few years would be the Pacific North West. A area that so badly wants to show USA Rugby that they can support a test match and other major events. Rugby in the NW is one of the fastest growing markets in the US. With Seattle leading the charge there is great men's and women's club games, college level is well represented on the national stage, with the NCRC becoming a well run conference and model other collegiate conferences should fallow, even the youth system has its act together and is pretty easy to fallow, with Washington and Oregon constantly having teams ranked nationally in both single school and multi school rankings. Both have tremendous All-Star based teams , and how can we forget ATAVUS being located in Seattle and doing amazing works around the country.

 I do believe that ether a Portland or Seattle team could draw fairly well in a good size venue given the chance and marketed well through out the area. there is no reason as to why this team cant draw fairly good numbers each week, especially WHEN a Vancouver team comes on board it should be a given to place a team in the PNW and see both teams create a heated rivalry that will surely have big number of fans from both sides of the border crossing and supporting the teams well. The only issue is venue locations of course. Portland is limited on locations as is Seattle but not as bad. The only two venues that could support a PDX based team would be Providence park and Merlo Field . Providence park could work and with all its nice amenities would make for a great game day atmosphere, along with easy access from mass transit and close to downtown this would be a prime location, the only draw back is both men's and women's professional soccer teams call the stadium home, so squeezing in  rugby games granted it'll just be 5 games, for now, could become more hard then people think so if this team happens it'll have to almost have some form of connection with the front office of the MLS team to pull it off. The Merlo Filed is a nice little stadium that seats just under 5,000. located on the campus of University of Portland this venue sits north of downtown and to the west of PDX, so traveling fans and teams could easily leave there hotel down town, head to the game then just head 20 minutes east and catch a flight home. But being on a college campus there goes the chance of any Beer being sold during the games, plus it doesn't look very good for a Pro Team to play on a college facility and not there own or a Professional venue. upside is the team would only have to battle it out with the timbers 2 of the usl for field time versus two Professional teams on one field.

 Seattle would be a nice match to pair up with a Vancouver based team, would only be hours away from each other and would provide a great rivalry from the get go. Seattle's main issue like Portland would be lack of stadia. I am not a native of the area, my grandfather does live in Oak Harbor so I have been to Washington plenty of times, but my only knowledge of a few suitable locations would be Memorial stadium at the Seattle city center which is where the Space Needle is located. The stadium is quite old and would also need some upgrades to the facility. The location is great and parking from understanding is not a big issue. the only main tenants to the facility right now are the Seattle Reign of the NWSL. they them self's did upgrade the locker rooms but mainly to suit there needs so I am sure there would have to be some other work done to suit two rugby teams. the facility seats about 12k but could have seating restrict to one side to have 6k seats available for games like the Reign do already. seating is also a issue that the team could get away with for a while but would have to down the road make some investment into upgrading some of the old bleachers. the other issue that the stadium has is the football and soccer lines already on the turf and would have to constantly paint over them every game.

 If any team does play there they would have to get the field sanctioned or help pay for a new field, even though the stadium poses more cons then pros it could still make for a great home and easy to sell to the area as Seattle's Team, during the season in which Pro Rugby is looking at there really is only the Reign to compete with for field time so there shouldn't be that much of a hassle to get playing Time. Also I read that a while ago the city and the school district that actually owns the stadium agreed on renovating the entire area and would also essentially turn the whole field and rebuild the stadium to a smaller more suitable size I think 5-8k and in the summer months the city would take over events held there while during the school season the school district would handle the facility, but then again that was from some time ago and haven't seen anything more recent since they last agreed upon the deal. The Last location that comes to mind is the Starfire stadium, which sits south of Seattle to the east of Sea-Tac Airport. It is a wonderful small facility that seats about 4k and could prove to be a nice home field with great sights for fans to watch games, closer to the action . recently got a nice upgrade for some of the seating's, the stadium its self is not that old and from all accounts did a wonderful job a few years ago for the national 7's tournament. the down side is like I said it sits quite a ways away from Seattle its self, I am not familiar with the area so I don't know where about a majority of the rugby clubs sit in Washington and around the Seattle metro area. From my understanding when reading info online is that the Sounders minor league team calls starfire home for games and the US Open cup matches for the sounder are primarily held there also, so scheduling could provide a bit of a issue.

To move out of the NW briefly there is one club or place that could be ready to join in right away, and another area in So-Cal could host a team. The Kansas City Blues already have a relationship with Sporting Kansas city of the MLS and plays its home games at the training facility of the team known as swope park. seating is only 1,500 but when looking at the facility there is room to bring in more seats to make it larger. there is potential and could help close the gap in the Midwest with a Chicago team and fill in the space between the west and east coasts. I know everyone wants to know when a LA team will be added but I also would like to say instead of LA why not San Diego ? There is no NHL, no NBA or MLS teams to worry about with potential for overlapping of leagues but just the MLB Padres. With just 1 major league team in the city there lies a market sitting ready to be tapped into, plus with the threat of the Chargers Bolting to LA, The city of SD will be looking for another team to support and to call there own.

Thus far the league is stating that teams would only play 10 games during the season which means 5 home games but this is just this first year, those numbers could rise when more teams enter so 10 games could turn into 14 or 18 which means more homes , the higher the number the more of a struggle it may be for these two locations, Seattle and PDX , may have in securing playing field. But I remain optimistic and excited , this area of the US does get looked over for major rugby events and I hope to one day see a test match played somewhere here in the near future with a Pro Rugby team calling some where home. (if I missed another location let me know , Eugene could be tossed in here but the only stadium that would of fit burnt down some months ago , it'll be years before the stadium can be rebuilt if it would be. prior before plans where in place to turn the old ball park into a nice 5k stadium for the minor league soccer team in the area)

Monday, November 9, 2015

Pro Rugby Ramble thus far 2/13 (12:12 pm PT update)

Having a team in Sacramento and playing at Bonney field is actually a smart move, its a Temp Stadium that has done very well in drawing fans over the last two years for test matches ( I was there last year for the Canada win and loved the stadium , there are some game day atmosphere things that could be added to make it more enjoyable but those can be done later). with Bonney field expanding this past year to 11k I cant see how the team cant pack the stadium a few times through out the year. Plus the fact that this is a temp stadium you have to think that if the team keeps pulling in good numbers of fans that when ever the USL soccer team does move up to MLS and gets there real stadium built that this team wont move with them, and if not then they have a nice 11k stadium to them selfs that they can do what ever they want with it.

Now I am a bit disappointed that San Jose didn't get the 2nd California team, especially since the team has been very open about hosting rugby matches at the stadium and I've heard nothing but rumors and maybes for the past few years that the Quakes where eyeing buying into what ever pro rugby league may come. that said I am happy the Bay Area did get a team in general and I can still see Avaya stadium hosting Rugby matches down the road, such as USA test matches, maybe the Pro Rugby final and of course the 7s World Cup in a few years. with that said I am disappointed if rumor is true that Boxer Stadium will be home of the San Francisco based club. a stadium that only seats in the 3k ball park will most likely be the smallest venue in the league. Built in the 50's that stadium has concrete seating and only has one side of seating. very limited parking around the stadium with fans having to park quite a ways away in the nearest parking structure. lets hope this is just temp. for the first year if so, if not then I hope this team does put some money in to upgrade the place. Kezar would of been a better fit, yes it is much older but the place did just get a upgrade on seating's and sound system. add in the addition of 1,000 seats from historic candlestick stadium Kezar could of easily been sold to potential season ticket holders. The one major draw back to playing in SF is the lack of parking and mass parking lots near ether stadium. Boxer does have a good size parking lot close(ish) but you'll have to walk across a college campus, and a walk bridge over a freeway to get to the field.

 *That all said I am happy the Bay Area does have a team and like many we as a rugby community need to get behind our local Team and support them because there success will help push rugby into the mainstream, there failure will doom rugby in America for another decade or so. I look forward to getting my hands on some merch and hopefully one day during a trip back home able to catch a game.

Well it is official, San Francisco is now the 2nd team for Pro Rugby with home field being Boxer stadium. The league did state that there will be some renovations done to Boxer Stadium but whether that means renovating seats or sound system, and so on we don't know yet. There is no word yet on when or if there will be a press conference like there was in Sacramento for the San Francisco team yet, although there should be if they want some media attention and people to know about the team. As of now 11/20 there has been no mention on any of the media outlets in the Bay Area, news papers, news channels or local small town papers. SF has a coach in Paul Keeler

Announced from Pro Rugby them self's and TIAR San Diego will be the home of the 3rd team with some changes to the number of teams for year 1. instead of 6 teams the league will only have 5. even though 5 is still a odd and small number lets not be to quick to pass judgement. first off we should be happy that this league is still going to happen and not fade away like the others, 2ndly this is all being funded from one major person so for them and us it helps to lose one team and free up more resources to assure that the first 5 clubs will be healthy enough to survive year 1 and this league will go into year 2 with the main focus on landing owners and exploring markets. The league has said via TIAR that there will be a mountain west club located somewhere and he other to the east. so if and when this league does expand you can rest assure that they will expand by 3 clubs ( I am guessing ) to the east to help have a healthy balance of even coastal teams. Now what is being stated is that 1 of the two locations has been rumored for a while but that the 2nd location is a wild card. if one of the teams is to be in the mountain area I would have to say ether Salt Lake city or Denver/Glendale. which would mean that possibly maybe the Philly team isn't happening and I would go with the a club placed in the Carolinas somewhere, ether north or south has both very good and WR field approved facilities, now the real wild card may be Pittsburg.

Ohio is in- Obetz will be the home of the 4th ProRugby club, still with in the metro area of Columbus this placement of a team even though mentioned very earlier on still was some what a surprise as others where hoping for Philly or even Atlanta as landing a spot. Now word is that the team will play out of the Columbus Crew practice facility and will bring in temp. bleachers to have a capacity of 3-4k. on top of that there will be press boxes and others amenities brought in to create a game day atmosphere.

Colorado,Glendale- Still to be unconfirmed by ProRugby but heavily rumored should be announced most likely this coming week.

* What was pointed out is that with both Colorado and Ohio clubs that most likely they will not have the city names attached to them so that they can brand them self's as a Club representing that state. Colorado RFC & Ohio RFC

Broadcast-  Who really knows till word gets out. one path the league could take is the proposed RIM channel that should launch sometime in the next few months, I am assuming the Americas 6 nations will probably be one of the first games to be shown on it, if viewer ship has some steady numbers year #2 could be the year a major network picks it up. I would go with #1 NBC ( sports network) #2 Fox Sports and #3 ESPN. ESPN is last only because as great as espn is there is already so much content on the network as is that its hard to see them dedicating one to two days a week to just Rugby plus aside from showing any games there's the chance the during espn news hours and sports center that any news about teams or the league will even get mentioned , just ask MLS or the AFL . ESPN shows games from both leagues but how many times do you see them even report on news from ether league unless its a signing of a major player or a championship won. I would rather have Fox Sports show the games and have them speak about league news during there segments because lets face it, they are playing catchup with ESPN and being able to tap into the Rugby fan base that is still growing in America would be a plus for them and a give them a one up on there network rivals. That said, if this first season presses on with out any major networks involved I wouldn't be shocked to see the semifinals or the Grand Final being shown on one of the networks.

*Nigel just confirmed to me that the RIM channel will be available for the ROKU device, and other platforms are still in the works. xbox, playstation, & apple tv I am sure will be made available as the months go on. he did not say when the channel will be up and running but just that they are still working things out.

What we know so far- teams that the league has officially added are 1- Sacramento, 2- San Francisco, 3- San Diego, 4- Ohio . 

Canada is sitting out year 1 to add teams in year 2, most likely with Vancouver and Toronto coming in the same time. all games will be streamed through the RIM channel that so far will be on Roku, the idea is to show major networks the subscription value rugby can pull in and negotiate a good deal with any network.

Friday, September 11, 2015


Hace unas cuantas semanas envié un par de preguntas más que FMRU que eran lo suficientemente amable para responder. Ha sido en algún momento, ya que donde enviados de vuelta y me disculpo por el retraso, pero debido a problemas personales imprevistos que han planteado una que me ha retrasado. pero con un vistazo más-por aquí está la breve Q & A, espero seguir contando con más Q & A con México rugby como los años continúan. Francisco Echeguren es el Presidente de FMRU y fue la de responder a las preguntas

LLR -7s equipo femenino terminó segundo y el tercero acabado de los hombres hace unas semanas en el partido de clasificación NACRA olímpico, ¿cuáles son los planes para preparar los dos equipos para el resto de este año y el próximo año previo al torneo final de clasificación
FE -Nos quedan algunos torneos de preparación para ambas selecciones pero sobre todo la idea es abrir la oportunidad a los nuevos y nuevas jugadores que vienen demostrando grandes aptitudes y que quieren pelear por un lugar en la selección por lo que estamos trabajando fuertemente con la selección varonil de M22 y con una nueva camada de mujeres que harán una mayor competencia en los equipos.

LLR -qué inversiones ha hecho FMRU para aumentar los programas para jóvenes de todo el país?
FE -La FMRU sigue empujando en todo el país que se conozca y se juegue el rugby a través de los 6 Oficiales Nacionales de Desarrollo que tenemos y sobre todo a través del programa GET INTO RUGBY con el cual hemos llegado a muchas escuelas, comunidades y deportivos en donde la idea es que los jóvenes tengan un primer contacto con el rugby de manera segura y a la edad más temprana possible

LLR - Tienes que preguntar, con la emocionante noticia de un Americas 6 Naciones está desarrollando, hubo mención de una segunda división también se miró donde dentro de 5 años "no habría promoción y regulación entre el tanto por lo que países como México pueden obtener su oportunidad de jugar los gustos de EE.UU. y Canadá. ¿Se ha implicado la FMRU en ninguna de las conversaciones, ¿hay nuevos detalles que se puede compartir con nosotros en este momento?
FE -La idea del América 6 Naciones es muy buena y México estará ayudando y promoviendo para que se haga y que se consiga hacer también un torneo de 2da y 3era división y posiblemente una de 4ta división en donde todos los países del continente puedan jugar pero por el momento no sabemos si se podrá llevar al cabo verdaderamente esta idea o no.

LLR - este último año hemos visto el lanzamiento de Rugby liga en México, la gente que maneja la liga de rugby, dijo que están abiertos y animan a los jugadores a jugar tanto la unión y el rugby liga. El FMRU Ha tenido alguna discusiones con la gente más en México Liga de rugby, es tener jugadores que juegan ambos códigos algo FMRU no está de acuerdo con el?

FE -Esto es TOTALMENTE FALSO, la FMRU no ha dicho NADA sobre este tema ya que nosotros estamos totalmente enfocados en seguir creciendo el rugby en México y absolutamente todos los jugadores que son parte de la FMRU pueden jugar cualquier deporte o modalidad que quieran sin problema alguno. Ese rumor no sé quien lo haya dicho pero no es cierto y no existe una sola prueba que diga lo contrario

LLR - Como siempre, ¿cómo puede la gente de barbecho y apoyar rugby en México, ¿hay algún vendedor de mercancía en línea ese lado aficionados al rugby fuera del país puede mirar a, comprar y mostrar su apoyo a México Rugby?

FE -Estamos dispuestos a recibir apoyo de todos lados por lo que cualquier persona o empresa que quiera apoyar al rugby mexicano siempre será bienvenida y buscaremos que haya un beneficio para las 2 partes.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Mexico Rugby

Quite a few weeks ago I sent a few questions over to FMRU who where gracious enough to answer. its been sometime since they where sent back and I do apologize for the delay , but due to unforeseen personal issues that have a raised it has delayed me. but with out further-due here is the brief Q&A , I hope to continue to have more Q&A's with Mexico rugby as the years continue on. Francisco Echeguren is the President of FMRU and was the one to answer the questions.
LLR- the women’s 7s team finished 2nd and the men’s finished 3rd a few weeks ago at the NACRA Olympic qualifier, what are the plans to prepare both teams for the rest of this year and next year leading up to the final qualifying tournament

FE - We still have some preparation tournaments for both teams but especially the idea is open ,  new players are showing great skills and want to fight for a place in the team so we are working hard with the men's team of the opportunity U22 and a new breed of women who make more competition in teams.

LLR- what investments has FMRU done to increase the youth programs throughout the country?

FE - The FMRU continues to push across the country to know and play rugby, through 6 National Development Officers and especially through the GET INTO RUGBY program which have reached many schools, communities and sports, in where the idea is to give young people a first contact with rugby safely and the earliest possible age.
LLR- Have to ask, with the exciting news of a Americas 6 Nations being developed, there was mention of a 2nd division also being looked at where in 5 years’ time there would be promotion and regulation between the both so that countries like Mexico can earn their chance to play the likes of USA and Canada. Has the FMRU been involved in any of the conversations, is there any new details that you can share with us at this point?

FE - The idea of America 6 Nations is very good and Mexico will assist and promote what needs to be done to be achieved, also a match of 2nd and 3rd division and possibly a 4th division where all countries of the continent can play, but we do not know if it will really take off for  this idea or not.

LLR- this past year we saw the launch of Rugby league in Mexico, the people running the rugby league said that they are open and encourage players to play both union and league rugby. Has the FMRU had any discussions with the people over at Mexico Rugby League  , is having players playing both codes something FMRU does not agree with?

FE - This is totally false, the FMRU has said nothing on this issue because we are totally focused on continuing to grow rugby in Mexico and absolutely all the players who are part of the FMRU can play any sport or form they want without any problem. Do not know who has said what but is not true and there is no single test that says otherwise

LLR- As always how can people fallow and support rugby in Mexico, is there any online merchandise seller that rugby fans out side of the country can look to, to purchase and show their support for Mexico Rugby?

FE -We are willing to receive support from all sides so any person or company that wants to support the Mexican rugby is always welcome and find that there is a benefit to the two parties
*the Spanish translation will be uploaded at a later time.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

World Cup viewing party

With the world cup not that far away, I want to give people a chance to find there local viewing party happening near them. so I want to take the time to let people post here, or send it to me via email , , to let me know where they will be watching the World cup and if there is any viewing parties being set up, local pub, party in your own home, restaurant any where there will be a gathering of rugby fans getting together to sit down and watch some top rugby.

the week of the World Cup I will compile the list and post them here so others can look up where the closes place is to them and be able to go and sit with fellow fans of the game and enjoy them self's. If you area  college, men's, women's or youth club looking to set up a viewing party now is you chance to get the world out.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Rugby supports Autism.

Even though it has been some time since my last post, and it seems like I am not doing anything but reposting videos do know I am very busy and well aware of the rugby scene going on right now in America. some tid bits before I continue with why I am originally writing this.

1- YES a Americas 6 nations would be amazing. even if Argentina wont put there full side when they play it still gives USA and Canada much more needed games to get players ready for when it is time for WC qualifying and WC matches down the road. instead of always guess how many test games USA will play each year we can now say 5 from 6nations, plus 4 or 5 from PNC your looking at 9-10 test matches a year mixed in at lest 1 Tier 1 nation tour. far better improvement of amount of games for USA rugby then how it was 5 or 10 years ago. I also like the fact that there is talk and hopefully plans to get a 2nd division side going at the same time with plans to have promotion and relegation , this will also get other national teams in the Americas more games to play and in whole 5 to 10 years down the road make both north and south America a far better region of rugby being played then in other parts of the world.

2-Todd Clever, where do I start or what can I say. I was deeply and still somewhat upset what had happened and what Has been reported. For me Todd was my rugby hero and for many local bay area kids a rugby god. we can all agree that yes he was reaching his end and we all knew the time was coming but I think we all thought this would be his last World Cup and then go into retirement.

3- with all this talk and hints of a professional rugby league starting soon USA rugby better make a announcement soon , pre world cup to at lest 6 months after, or else they'll start to lose support from general rugby public who will be tired of hearing the possible news over and over and over again. but when ever it does happen I will be sitting here waiting to see what cities will have a team and pick my new professional team to support!

To the main reason why I  am posting a new post in quite some time. This coming Sunday my family and I will be participating in a Walk Now For Autism in Portland, OR. Our oldest daughter who is now 5 was diagnosed with being Autistic , Asperger's to be exact. It has been a struggle and very frustrating and continues to be since we where told, many places will not provide help with services for her because she is not sever enough, she was placed as a mild autistic child but on the border of sever. last year we participated in the walk that took place in Sacramento , CA. it was amazing to meet and speak with other parents and children who where on the same level as our daughter and to those who where going through the something and to able to let our daughter play and run around with out having to worry about others starring or whispering what's wrong with our child had a big sigh of relief. There is one thing we have noticed about our daughter and that is she likes rugby. when she was just a baby she would sit next to me and watch matches on TV. when I coached she liked being on the sideline and a few months ago I participated in my university alumni game which she enjoyed watching and would run over to me after each break in between matches, it was a series of 7s games amongst our self's.

 I have been wanting to fuse both the sport I love and advocate for people like my daughter for quite sometime now but didn't know just how to, a few months ago I created the Rugby supports Autism shirt where if you wish to support and bring attention to the Autism society. All Proceeds of the shirt will go to the Autism Society of America while all donations for my family's walk will go to the Autism Speaks. If you are interested about the shirt ( posted below) please feel free to contact me @ if you wish to donate the click here----> Autism walk

* side note, me and my family each have a shirt and they fit great, and will be wearing them during our walk. also it is a goal of mine to hopefully 2-3 years from now be able to start a after school program of touch/flag rugby for kids of all ages who are on the autistic spectrum a chance to participate in a team sport and learn key communication skills and others here in Oregon. but that's down the road and something I am beginning to now just look into and build.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

R.I.P - Kyle Farr.

A Los Gatos Rugby player from there u14 team passed away this past week, below is his obituary. The Los Gatos rugby club will be wearing black arm bands to honor Kyle this weekend when they participate in the Dixon 7's this Sunday.

 Kyle Christian Farr Resident of Los Gatos and Born in Los Gatos, California, Kyle Christian Farr passed away unexpectedly July 1, 2015 at the age of 14. Larger than life, Kyle will be remembered for his laughter, quick wit and charm. A recent graduate of Fisher Middle School in Los Gatos, he was set to attend Bellarmine College Prepatory in San Jose this fall. Devoted son of Heidi and Corey Farr and inseparable from his brother Aiden, Kyle was the comic relief for anyone who knew him. Kyle is also survived by his 2 grandmothers, Uncles, Aunts, Cousins and a multitude of friends who are considered family. A viewing will be held Thursday July 9, 2015 at Darling Fischer Chapel of the Hills 615 N. Santa Cruz Ave., Los Gatos from 5 to 9 pm with a short prayer service beginning at 7 pm. The funeral mass will be held at 11 am on Friday July 10, 2015 at St. Mary's Catholic 219 Bean Ave., Los Gatos. In recognition of Kyle's spirited personality, colorful attire is encouraged. In lieu of flowers the family has requested donations to be made to Paws & Stripes or The Make A Wish Foundation, in Kyle's name. Kyle will be forever alive in our hearts. -

If you would like to leave a message for the Farr family click on this link here -> LINK

Monday, July 6, 2015

Round 5 standings for USARL - Rugby leauge

Northeast DivisionPldWTLGame PointsPts
Rhode Island Rebellion5401256 - 1368
Boston Thirteens4301208 - 786
Brooklyn Kings5302150 - 1646
Connecticut Wildcats410398 - 1562
New York Knights510484 - 2022

Mid-Atlantic DivisionPldWTLGame PointsPts
Philadelphia Fight5500248 - 8010
Northern Virginia Eagles5302236 - 1646
D.C. Slayers5203184 - 1544
Delaware Black Foxes5104139 - 2582
Bucks County Sharks510464 - 2752

South DivisionPldWTLGame PointsPts
Atlanta Rhinos4301138 - 1226
Central Florida Warriors4202126 - 1124
Jacksonville Axemen420290 - 1204
Tampa Mayhem4103118 - 1182      

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

USA Mens NT training squad

Men's Eagles | Rugby World Cup 2015 Training Squad
Danny Barrett - Men's Eagles Sevens
Inaki Basauri - Tarbes (France)
Chris Baumann - Santa Monica RFC
Todd Clever - OMBAC
Tom Coolican - Sydney Stars (Australia)
John Cullen - Seattle Saracens RFC
Cameron Dolan - Cardiff RFC (Wales)
Andrew Durutalo - Men's Eagles Sevens
Zach Fenoglio - Glendale Raptors RFC
LeMoto Filikitonga - Metropolis RFC
Eric Fry - Newcastle RFC (England)
Troy Hall - NYAC
Seamus Kelly - San Francisco Golden Gate RFC
Olive Kilifi - Seattle Saracens RFC
Niku Kruger - Kutztown University
Titi Lamositele - Saracens RFC (England)
Ben Landry - Seattle Saracens RFC
Scott LaValla - Stade Francais (France)
Toby L'Estrange - NYAC
Chad London - Glendale Raptors RFC
Samu Manoa - Toulon RFC (France)
Tim Maupin - Trinity College (Ireland)
Al McFarland - NYAC
AJ MacGinty - Life Rugby
Ronnie McLean - Ealing RFC (England)
Matekitonga Moeakiola - Castenet (France)
Louis Mulholland - University of Bath (England)
Takudzwa Ngwenya - Biarritz (France)
Folau Niua - Men's Eagles Sevens
Thretton Palamo - Saracens RFC (England)
Zach Pangelinan - OMBAC
Greg Peterson - Glasgow Warriors (Scotland)
Mike Petri - NYAC
John Quill - NYAC
Blaine Scully - Cardiff RFC (Wales)
Robbie Shaw - Bristol RFC (England)
Mike Shepherd - Seattle Saracens RFC
Hayden Smith - Saracens RFC (England)
Louis Stanfill - Seattle Saracens RFC
Tim Stanfill - Seattle Saracens RFC
Kyle Sumsion - Brigham Young University
Andrew Suniula - CSM Bucuresti (Romania)
Shalom Suniula - Seattle Saracens RFC
Zach Test - Men's Eagles Sevens
Phil Thiel - Life Rugby
Brett Thompson - Men's Eagles Sevens
Matt Trouville - Seattle Saracens RFC
Tai Tuisamoa - London Scottish RFC (England)
Nick Wallace - Glendale Raptors RFC
Chris Wyles - Saracens RFC (England)
Men's Eagles | Staff
Mike Tolkin - Head Coach
Justin Fitzpatrick - Assistant Coach (Forwards)
Nate Osborne - Assistant Coach (Backs/Attack)
Phil Bailey - Assistant Coach (Defense)
David Williams - Strength and Conditioning Coach
Chris O'Brien - Assistant Coach
Paul Goulding - Video Analyst
Richard Quincy - Physiotherapist
Zach Vyhnanek - Physiotherapist
Sarah Sall - Massage Therapist
Matt Schmitz - Doctor
Sam Akhavan - Doctor
Steve Durant - Sports Psychologist
Matt McCarthy - Media Manager
Kevin Battle - Assistant Team Manager
Tristan Lewis - Team Manager

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Durham University Norcal Tour.

Two major matches coming up that'll help with the development of rugby in NorCal. be sure to stop by, come watch and show your support.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Player Profile - D.J. Monroe

This past weekend the Pacific Cup took place down in southern California, as was documented very well by Alex Goff on Goff Rugby Report. As I scrolled down the list of teams participating I noticed the Bay Barbarians where participating, a team put together to participate from my original neck of the woods. After doing some digging I recognized a name on the list of players , Monroe. I reached out to D.J. Monroe to see if he would like to answer a few questions about his time playing in the Pacific cup and how he was introduced to the game of Rugby. D.J. is only a sophomore but has a very bright future ahead of him in the sport, not just a work horse on the field but also one off the field and a multi sport athlete. I would like to publicly call out, invite, those on the coaching staff for the HSAA's and up to speak with this young man and to keep track of him as he navigates through high school comp. and moving on to the college game.
LLR- What school do you currently attend and grade are you in?
D.J..- I attend Westmont High school and I am currently a sophomore.

LLR- How where you introduced into the sport of Rugby?

D.J.- I was introduced to rugby by my dad and Chris Fisher, owner of the Los Gatos club. My dad played when he was younger for a long time and always talked about it, I guess it just sparked my interest.

LLR- What position are you currently playing ?

D.J.- I am currently playing either 8 man, blindside , or open-side flanker.

LLR- A few questions for people to get to know who you are a bit better, what is your favorite rugby team professional or armature level?

D.J. - My favorite rugby team is The New Zealand All Blacks.

LLR- Do you play any other sport in the rugby off season?

D.J.- I play football and I wrestle in my off season.

LLR- Which club team do you look forward to playing during the season?

D.J.- I look forward to playing Peninsula Green.

LLR- How did you come to join the Los Gatos Lions?

D.J.- I became a lion when my dad and I were approached by Chris Fisher and his son, Royce, at a wrestling meet. I was in 8th grade at the time. Chris and my dad had been chatting in the stands while Royce and I were wrestling. After our match, Chris and my dad asked if I was interested in playing rugby for the Los Gatos Lions. Of course I said yes and we went home and signed up that night.

LLRWhat professional sports star in any sport do you look up to most?

D.J.- My favorite professional sports player would have to be the 49er's running back, Frank Gore. His work ethic and determination to succeed absolutely amazes me.

LLR- Is there a college in mind you would like to attend, would you like to continue to play rugby there?

D.J.- I am interested in going to St. Mary's and I would like to continue to play rugby there.

LLR- You recently participated in playing in the pacific cup, playing for the Bay Barbarians, can you explain the experience you had and the way players where selected for this team?

D.J. - I do not know how my other teammates were selected for the Bay Barbarians Team. I was invited to play by Coach Moses, an all star selector. He approached my dad and I on the Sunday before the team was supposed to leave for San Diego. He told me he was impressed with my defensive style of play, along with good rucking, and hard running when I did get the ball. He then asked if I was interested in driving down with the varsity Bay All star Team, of course I said yes. My experience at the Pacific Cup was interesting. I quickly realized that I was not the only hard-nosed player and that in fact all the teams that were at the tournament were there for a reason. The rugby was very high quality and very intense. I figured out  how to play in this highly competitive environment in the first few minutes of the first game. Overall I played well and my team slowly molded together.

LLR- Did the team have enough time to practice together and prepare for games against the other clubs participating?

D.J.- The team had no where close to enough time to practice with each other to compete against such high quality competition. The first time we played with each other was 45 minutes before our game during warm ups.

LLR- Is this event something you would like to participate in again if given another chance?

D.J. - I would absolutely participate in the Pacific Cup again just because of how much experience you can earn from competing with such high level teams.
LLR- Last two questions, there has been many articles and talk the last few years on athletes in the high school level who are turning to rugby instead of football. What would you say to those who are considering playing but are not quite sure if they should take that final step?
D.J.- Most football players crossing over are scared about the whole no pads thing. My words of encouragement are that rugby teaches you to tackle smartly so there is no need for pads. I would also say that rugby is such a great experience all around with having the ability to tackle or run the ball whenever the opportunity arises. Where in football you play your certain position that does one certain job.

LLR- Lastly if you had a chance to speak with a national team coach, what would you say to them that best describes yourself as a player and person?
D.J.- If I had the chance to describe myself to a national level coach I would tell him that I will do whatever it takes to be one of the best. I always work hard, I show up to practice, I do extra trainings, and I work out on my own. Most importantly I am a leader. I will carry my team on my back for as long as necessary and I will play to the best of my ability and in whatever way that secures the win for my team, be it supportively or selfishly.

*If you wish to contact D.J. and speak with him some more you can contact him @ or with Facebook: D.j. Monroe

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

USA Rugby to play Australia 9/5/2015

USA Rugby to play Australia Wallabies at Chicago’s Soldier Field in Rugby World Cup primer presented by Astellas
CHICAGO (Tuesday, May 12, 2015) – USA Rugby CEO Nigel Melville announced today that the USA Rugby Eagles will make their return to Soldier Field against the Australian Wallabies in a Saturday, September 5 test match, presented by Astellas. The country v. country match will be the final test for both organizations prior to their to departure for the Rugby World Cup in England.
For the second time in less than 12 months the Eagles will play a top-tier international Rugby Union in the Windy City. In a November 2014 fall test, the Eagles took on the reigning world champions the New Zealand All Blacks in front of a sold out, standing-room only crowd.
“We are excited to be returning to Chicago for this important match which will be a final Rugby World Cup send-off game for both teams. Soldier Field provides a unique fan experience and an electric atmosphere,” said Melville.
“Rugby fans from all over the country will make their way out to see another great match against one of the best teams the world of rugby has to offer.”
“Following the success of the USA Rugby Eagles game played in Chicago last year, we are pleased to again welcome the Eagles back to Chicago for another match this fall,” said Mayor Rahm Emanuel. “Chicago is a great sports town with a stellar record of hosting premiere sporting events; from the NFL draft to the Frozen Four hockey championship, Chicago has the amenities, location and ability to attract and host a diverse spectrum of sporting events.”
Australia Rugby Union CEO Bill Pulver was excited when asked about the Labor Day weekend match, saying, “The opportunity to bring the Qantas Wallabies to a new market in the United States is a major boost for our code in Australia. We want to thank USA Rugby for making this opportunity possible.”
Men’s Eagles Coach Mike Tolkin has been with the Eagles since 2009, taking on head coaching duties in 2012. This will be his first time coaching the Eagles against the Wallabies, but Tolkin knows the difficulties that lay ahead. “Having the Wallabies come into Chicago is fantastic opportunity, but a huge challenge,” said Tolkin. “As one of the top teams in the world, Australia will present the Eagles with an immense degree of pressure and difficulty. This will be a perfect test leading up to the World Cup”
The Wallabies are two-time winners at the Rugby World Cup (1991 and 1999) and still hold the record for consecutive wins on Rugby’s biggest stage with 12. Despite their history of success, the Wallabies know this match will not come easy.
“The lead up and match will be critical for our Rugby World Cup preparations,” Wallabies Head Coach Micael Cheika said. "We’re very fortunate we get a chance to face a quality side like the Eagles.
“Although we haven’t met on many occasions, there’s a rich history between our two Rugby nations, with the Eagles playing their first ever test match against the Wallabies some 40 years ago. We know it will be a spirited encounter for that very reason.”
Rugby in the United States has been growing at a torrid pace, with some agencies claiming it is the fastest-growing team sport in the country. The increase in participation has been making waves internationally, as well. “I am delighted that Australia is playing the USA at Soldier Field, Chicago – it is another example of how our sport is growing,” said World Rugby Chairman Bernard Lapasset.
“Rugby is spreading across the globe through the hard work of World Rugby and ambitious unions like USA Rugby. When the Wallabies take on the Eagles it will be another opportunity to show our wonderful game to thousands of potential new fans and players throughout North America and beyond.”
Northbrook-based Astellas Pharma has signed on as the title sponsor of the event.
“Astellas is dedicated to helping people live a healthy life, and we believe that physical activity is a key part of that. The commitment to healthy living that we see from these top-tier rugby players is an example we should all take to heart,” said James Robinson, president of Astellas Pharma US, Inc. “Furthermore, we look forward to bringing many activities to the city leading up to and at the match that will generate excitement for sport, educate about health and engage fans in being active members of the community so many Astellas employees and customers call home.”
General ticket sales will begin on Monday, June 1. Presale opportunities will be available starting Thursday, May 28 for those who join the USA Rugby ticket presale email list. Broadcast details will be released at a later date.
Credentials for the event will be made available through Media requests for the match logo can be requested by emailing 
About Astellas
Astellas is a pharmaceutical company dedicated to improving the health of people around the world through provision of innovative and reliable pharmaceuticals. For more information on Astellas, please visit our website at, follow us on Twitter at or like our Facebook page at

Saturday, May 9, 2015

R is for Rugby Book

 R is for Rugby: An Alphabet Book
takes readers on a learning adventure through the alphabet to explore
this incredible game.  Each letter offers an opportunity to discover
positions, tactics, and terminology that will
make even non-ruggers want to lace up their boots! 

want to pre-order your book, click here now!

R is for Rugby: An Alphabet Book is
Mike's debut children's book.  His project was sparked when he noticed a
lack of rugby-related children's books ahead of his daughter's birth. 
He began writing rhymes and illustration ideas on the subway during his
commute from his native Bay Ridge, Brooklyn to work as a science and
math teacher in New York City at Xavier High School.  With encouragement
from his wife the ideas and rhymes written on the N train blossomed
into a vividly illustrated book that both children and adults can

has a degree in Life Science and a minor in Business from Penn State
University and a Master's in Secondary Science Education from St.
Joseph's University.  He lives in Brooklyn, NY with his wife, Lauren,
and daughter, Evangeline. 
His favorite part of the day is story
time before bed with his  daughter and he hopes that this book can
become a regular in your family's stories as it has become in his.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Life West Glads

In honor of Life West Gladiators having a amazing season and in the playoffs , will be posting info on there playoff run and where there next games will be.
#GoGlads #LWG #GladiatorsRugby

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Rugby Norcal

2015 Champions 
Bishop O'Dowd - Boys Varsity Silver
Danville Oaks- Boys Varsity Gold.
Mother Lode Rugby Football Club - JV Gold

*more champions will be posted for the other sections

Friday, April 24, 2015

USA Rugby statement on Americas 6 Nations

For Immediate Release
Submitted by USA Rugby
April 24, 2015

MIAMI – Executive members of the top-6 ranked rugby nations spanning North and South America met in Miami, FL this week to discuss the creation of a new International Championship set to begin in 2016. The tournament, which has yet to be named, would be a groundbreaking endeavor strengthening rugby competition across two continents.
“This is a historic moment for rugby in America,” said Agustin Pichot, former Argentinean captain and current Pan American Rugby Association President. “We have had great meetings and we believe that the American championship will be a complete success for the development of rugby in the region.”
Echoing Agustin’s statement, Sebastian Pineyura, Uruguay Rugby President said, “We are very happy with the progress made in the meeting today. The goal of this tournament is aligned with our plans as a Union and we are sure it will be a great development tool for rugby in the Americas.”
During initial tournament conversations, all six nations agreed the International Championship would be developed under the guidance of the Pan American Rugby Association (PARA). The competing nations – Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Uruguay and the United States – will each play five matches annually, giving Rugby fans across the Americas a chance to see top-tier international competition on a regular basis.
Agustin Danza, CEO, Brazil Rugby Union was also in attendance at the meeting, saying, “We are very optimistic about the future of rugby in America. The collaboration we achieved in this first meeting showed us that by having more of these meetings, we will be able to accelerate the growth of the region.” Brazil is the host nation for the 2016 Summer Olympics, in which rugby will make its triumphant return with a sevens tournament.
Executive members representing each nation’s rugby unions have agreed to work together and develop a fixture schedule spanning over fi years, determining home and away matches for each nation. “We had a great meeting in which all the invited countries collaborated enthusiastically to make progress and reach agreements," said Sebastian Bianchi, representing Chile, “the dream of a tournament with the six nations is closer every day.”
Initial talks of an Americas Championship tournament were so successful that plans for expansion were also discussed. “It is an excellent development that the leading rugby countries of the Americas are discussing the future of international competition,” said World Rugby representative Tom Jones. Any creation of further tiers of competition would allow for potential promotion and relegation to the top-tier.
USA Rugby CEO Nigel Melville joined in World Rugby’s excitement, saying, “This is an exciting time for Rugby in the Americas and an American Rugby Championship will be an important step forward for international rugby in the region.”
North America’s other representative, Rugby Canada CEO Graham Brown, shared similar sentiments, saying, “Rugby Canada believes strongly in working with our partners across the Americas. A competition that provides high-quality, consistent fixtures annually will help further ensure the growth of the game in both North and South America.”
Work will now continue in order to develop the Championship ahead of the 2016 launch.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Q&A with Rugby Norcal

Over the years I have always played close attention to the competition that happens in one of Americas hot beds for rugby, as a player a coach and a supporter I have always wanted to know the answer to some questions. This week Mark Carney of newly rebranded Rugby Norcal was gracious enough to answer a few questions exploring many topics, reason to changing the name and new media exposure this season.

LLR- When was Rugby NorCal founded and how many players and teams were there registered?
MC-Rugby NorCal was founded at Northern California Youth Rugby (Association) in 2010. The numbers are a little hazy and proper tracking was not really kept back then, but from what we can tell, we had roughly 1,500-2,000 registered players.

LLR- Why the change from Northern California Youth Rugby Association to just Rugby NorCal ?

MC- The SRO’s in the rest of the country (for the most part) are starting to unite under a common term for their SRO’s; that is Rugby “fill in the blank”. We thought that it was a good idea to try and unify the entire country around similar terms from State to State; in California’s case, regions within the State, so that is why we decided to re-brand. We also wanted to get away from all the Acronym’s associated with our organization. By re-branding, we are hoping to make it easier to secure corporate contributions, and grant money, as the re-brand also came with a complete organizational overhaul that included a new mission, vision, strategic plan and goals for the organization.

LLR- Does rugby NorCal provide any form of assistance to their clubs and how ?
MC- Rugby NorCal attempts to assist clubs by reaching out to local schools and organizations around the area, run rookie rugby clinics in PE Classes, and try to put rugby front and center in the school systems. After the daily programs conclude, we invite the kids to provide contact info so we can put them in touch with their local clubs who are recruiting.
We do not offer any financial incentives right now, as we run on a pretty tight budget as it is.
Rugby NorCal has also been working to put together a new club packet which will be send out to every club at the beginning of the season. This will detail best practices from around the league, country, and world to assist them in everything from coach education, sponsorship/fundraising, parental awareness, and training plans for the season.

LLR-  Some of the biggest problems with youth rugby in many parts of the country is the lack of officials for games which leads to coaches or parents having to step in. Is Rugby NorCal active in this department and what is being done to assure that there is proper and plenty of officials for matches?
MC- All across the country, it is clear that we lack many qualified referees. We struggle with it just as much as any other SRO/Region, but we do place a big emphasis on educating as many referees as possible. The biggest challenge is getting the referees we educate to actually pick up the whistle on a weekly basis and participate. We have educated over 500 referees in the last 3-4 years, and I would estimate that only about 150 of them actually referee at one level or another. This is a challenge that all of us will face over the years to come, but I think the biggest thing that can help is educating the spectators/parents on the laws of the game, and trying to get them out of the mentality that it is OK to verbally abuse the officials from the sideline when calls don’t go their teams way. This is all too prevalent in the American youth sport psyche, and something that needs to change if we are to start, and retain top quality officials, and will also help our sport develop into a legitimate American sport alternative to the big three-four US Sports at youth and HS.

LLR- The women's side of the game is experiencing some amazing growth at the high school and college level in America. What is being done to help contribute to the growth and how is the game expanding the game for young girls in northern California?
MC- You are absolutely correct in that we have experienced huge growth and interest in the girls/women’s game. Here in NorCal, we now have 20 High School programs, and many girls playing at the Middle School level and below.

Growing the girls game further is a critical component to our success as an organization. Next year, we are looking into the possibility of starting a Girls JV league. Currently, we just have Girls Varsity HS Programs. We are also looking at a long term plan to start a Girls Middle School league. This is a few years off, but we are considering 7s or 10s as an option to overcome the lower numbers of girls playing at that age level right now so that it can be sustainable.


LLR- Similar to the previous question, rugby in general is growing by leaps and bounds. How does rugby NorCal help grow the game at a young age and keep not just high school but u8-u14 clubs from folding?
MC- This year we brought on a part time Youth Development Officer, whose sole job is to go into local schools, Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCA’s, after school programs, etc. and start the education process about the sport, and introduce it to as many kids at the youth level as possible. It is a long term growth strategy, but until we find some more money to bring that person on Full-Time, and add another YDO, we are facing a tough battle, as we are spread incredibly thin, not just here, but all across the country when it comes to youth development and growth.

LLR- Last few questions, Rugby NorCal has done a pretty good job over the years in handling disciplinary action toward players, but going over the list that is provided on your website there’s a few teams with multiple player penalties. Is there any disciplinary actions taken against the teams that have multiple players in trouble with yellow and red cards?
MC-We strictly follow the World Rugby and USA Rugby guidelines when it comes to disciplinary issues. If one club is seen to have a history of repeat offences, we analyze it and usually have a conversation with the club and their coaching staff. A red card is no longer just an automatic one week suspension, every red card must go through a disciplinary procedure, which is headed up by one of our regional disciplinary chairs (we have one for Sac Valley, one for Bay, and one for the Central Valley). A lot of it comes down to coaching, and education of the law; we spend a lot of time educating coaches and players on U19 variations, and on safety to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all.

LLR- Last few questions, Rugby NorCal has done a pretty good job over the years in handling disciplinary action toward players, but going over the list that is provided on your website there’s a few teams that have multiple player penalties. Is there any disciplinary actions taken against the teams that have multiple players in trouble with yellow and red cards?
MC- We strictly follow the World Rugby and USA Rugby guidelines when it comes to disciplinary issues. If one club is seen to have a history of repeat offences, we analyze it and usually have a conversation with the club and their coaching staff. A red card is no longer just an automatic one week suspension, every red card must go through a disciplinary procedure, which is headed up by one of our regional disciplinary chairs (we have one for Sac Valley, one for Bay, and one for the Central Valley). A lot of it comes down to coaching, and education of the law; we spend a lot of time educating coaches and players on U19 variations, and on safety to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all.

LLR-This past year we saw an increase in media exposure for Rugby NorCal and some of its clubs with the section now provided in SportStars, going forward what else does Rugby NorCal hope to accomplish to get more exposure for the teams and the game going forward?
MC-We are actively searching for partners within our region, whether it is a corporation, association, or individual for grants, sponsorship and media exposure. Our partnership with SportStars Magazine this year was a great first step, and throughout the course of the season, they have beefed up coverage and communication to the entire region, making rugby more visible, and a top tier sport.
We are hoping to utilize social media more over the coming years, and work on targeted ads to reach new markets and spread the word of the sport, and what we are doing to make an impact in our player’s lives. Rugby is about more than the sport; it is about the camaraderie, sportsmanship, respect, teamwork and other values that become building blocks in these player’s lives, and allow them to go on to be productive members of society. That is the message we are trying to get out there, and one we are confident we can back up.

LLR- And lastly how exciting is it to have a eagles test match in northern California 2 years in a row and not just that but double headers in both the San Jose and Sacramento sites. What does that say about the support and future of Rugby going forward ?

MC- Having our National team playing back to back weekends in the various areas of our own back yard is huge. The more exposure to the sport that the region can get, the better. Putting these matches in top facilities is a critical component, and in the Avaya Stadium in San Jose, and Bonney Field in Sacramento, we have found that. I think the state of rugby in general in the USA is in good condition; obviously we would like to see more investment in the youth, and making sure that there is a clear pathway from HS to College or Club. I think the College game is in great shape right now, as evidenced by its increasing exposure on television and mass media

*This weekend begins the 11th Northern California invitational tournament & Rugby NorCal playoffs and championship. Stay tuned for updates on winners from each division.