Thursday, February 15, 2024

Monday, February 5, 2024

Bells keep Ringing

Retouching base with a former Q&A player, Mateo from San Jose, CA, It was great to hear from Mateo and as always very gracious for him taking the time to answer these questions. My hope is that you all, like my self, get a opportunity to learn a bit more about this young player and be sure to add him to your list of young up and comer to keep an eye on. 

LLR- Since our last conversation, how did last season end?

M- Last year was a rough season for our rugby program. The boys fought hard all the way through the season, and we improved tremendously throughout the season, but we ended up letting games slip through our hands. 



LLR- What preparations have you taken to prepare for this coming season?

MThe way I improved myself most was going to Argentina for 2 months to play rugby for a club team. I learned a lot about rugby culture in Argentina and how it is vastly different than the culture in California. I addition to the culture I learned about a whole new style of play, and I developed new skills myself. As a team we have been preparing by keeping each other accountable for training sessions and by helping the newer guys understand the game and how we prepare for it.


LLR- How has recruitment gone thus far in getting more players to come out for the team?

M- This last year we lost a large majority of our team that were seniors who all graduated and so now we are left with fewer numbers than I would like. The recruiting this year has gone well and we have a lot of newer players. I’m excited to see how they develop as rugby players this season and perhaps in the future if they decide to keep playing.


LLR- Are there any special matches scheduled for this season that we should all keep an eye on?

M- I think again like every year our favorite teams to play are Bishop O’Dowd and San Joaquin Memorial because they are usually evenly matched and everyone enjoys the competition. We play Bishop O’Dowd February 3rd and San Joaquin Memorial February 10th both at home.


LLR- Are there any schools you are narrowing down your choices to that you want to get a degree from and also play for?

M- As of right now my top 2 schools which I have heard back from are Colorado State, and Montana State. I plan to play rugby at whichever school I end up choosing while studying Environmental Engineering. I am still waiting to hear back from a few schools to release acceptances like CU Boulder and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.


LLR- What would you like to major in when moving on to college?

M- I am planning on majoring in Environmental Engineering at whichever college I end up attending.


LLR- Are there future plans to apply for the MLR draft or are your sights set for something else?

M- I don’t think the MLR is in my future but I 100% plan on continuing to play rugby after college for a club team.


LLR- Current favorite rugby player?

M- I would say right now my two favorite players are Marcos Moneta and Antoine Dupont.


LLR- Favorite rugby team?

M- My favorite team is the Pumas because I am Argentinian, so I root for my own country.


LLR- Super Bowl, who do you have winning?

M- I have my bet on the Niners beating the Chiefs.


LLR- Favorite subject in school?

M- Favorite subject right now is probably my Engineering Design and Development class.


LLR- If you had an opportunity to speak with a coaching staff member from a national team, what would you say to them to take the chance on you?

M- If I had one chance to speak with a coach of a national team I would say “Just watch”. Now this might seem a little cocky but there’s no other way to prove myself other than to just demonstrate what I can do. Actions speak louder than words. No amount of “sweet talking” should vouch for someone’s abilities. Now in no way am I qualified to tell a coach of a national team to “Just watch” but that is what I would say if I had such ability.


LLR- Words of motivation for your teammates?

M- What I say to my teammates after every practice is that they keep improving every single practice. We have got to keep working hard and nothing is going to be given to us. Not only working hard for ourselves but fighting for our entire team. When you step on that field play with pride because you are representing Bellarmine. Leave everything on the field so when the final whistle blows you have no regrets.

*Bellarmine lost 2/3 40-19 to Bishop O'Dowd 

Fallow Bellarmine Rugby Club on instagram- @bcprugby