Monday, March 11, 2013

Tid Bit news:

Here's just some information to throw out there about some news that i have come across.

1) the Rugby Challenge that's being played between a North American All Star team and the Golden Lions of South Africa this year will eventually turn into a annual event, with news to come shortly after this years game on plans for future events."yes, this will definitely be an annual event...After the success of 1 we will announce our plans for the next event. "

2) some of you may not know but USA Rugby will introduce new style of Jerseys for the national teams this summer, shortly before the 7's RWC and the june test matches.
"yes they will have new designs for June test matches and the sevens will wear them at the Rugby World Cup 7's (Moscow"-Nigel M.

3) i was able to get a response from Jason Moore founder of the APRC about what the current status is on at lest a potential placement of a team here in the San Francisco bay area, "San Jose is in our plans as one of the identified areas where an APRC Franchise would be successful. We had met with the management of the San Jose Earthquakes on several occasions over the past two years but they have not wished to peruse acquiring an APRC license at this stage due to their current commitments and resources focused on the construction of the new Stadium. However, we still have many more potential investors to meet and discuss the San Jose opportunity with, so I’m reasonably confident that we may be able to get something happening in the region."

There are two ways that a potential owner could go if they wish to pursue a team in the San Jose metro area. 1) place the team and have them play at buck shaw stadium (10,500 cap.) in santa clara ca, where the current MLS team plays. it sits right next to the san jose, santa clara border. And for the "major" games where large crowds are anticipated they could play those games at the new soccer stadium currently being built for the MLS team (18,000 + cap.) or option 2 pay most likely larger rent fee to play all games at the Soccer stadium, which with any luck may not be that high since the stadium can not host any concerts (2nd largest draw of revenue) and has to mainly rely on sporting events to pick up money.

just a few pieces of news that has come to me that I wish to share with you all.

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