Tuesday, January 8, 2013

youth rugby

youth rugby is and will be the back bone for the growth of the game here in the USA. take a look at soccer. there was a huge gap between youth soccer and the mens and womens national teams. now having a pro league and having the national teams make headlines does help. but with out the youth boom, soccer would not be where it is now in the usa. you have to build from the ground up. by increasing youth rugby through out the states, from u8-u19, you start to create a massive fallowing and players playing much earlier then there sr. year in high school. in 5 years i would like to have a test done and see what then the average age is that rugby players in the united states begin to play and i bet it will say ether middle school or freshmen year of high school.

who's the ones that put butts in seats for football,soccer,basketball games? no not soccer moms or "hard core"fans. its kids. if you had a child who kept bugging you to take them to a baseball game wouldn't you take them? minor or pro. same goes for rugby, when and i do believe its only a matter of time (its a post for another time) a pro league gets going here in north America, it will be the youth who will help maintain the average attendance for those games. picture on a Friday night or Saturday, the set of local (say 2-3 youth clubs play in a 10 mile radius, again youth means u8-u19) clubs decide to get together and go watch a rugby match but in stead of having to decided who's house or what bar would let them in, they head down to go watch there pro team. in 2-3 teams your looking at anywhere from 200-400 kids alone. plus adults. now factor in the money that will be spent, sure its not a billion dollar industry but everything has to start small.

youth rugby is the beginning for USA rugby and they need it to flourish. ~here's to seeing it prosper.

the next steps to get things in order, college rugby, men's(women's)/ pro rugby.

i hope you all take a second and go to my youth rugby club page and show your support also. losgatosrugby.com  . if your are interested in sponsoring please contact Chris fisher.

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